With 2019 coming to a close and the figuratively endless possibilities of 2020 ahead of us, I decided that it was time once again to carve out a small space in the wilds of the Internet that Amily and I could call our own.
Truthfully, the trigger was actually a very well written and heartfelt post on Facebook that an old and distance friend wrote a few weeks prior. I actually commented to him that what he wrote was far too good for Facebook, which I largely view as an invasive PR front that encourages FOMO (fear of missing out) and divisionism farm more than it does deep and meaningful conversation and reflection.
For my part, I occasionally have things I want to say, ideas I want to share, or achievements I want to celebrate, but no particular audience with which I am inclined to do so with… And a space like this allows me to do so. I am not so dishonest as to claim that I do not occasionally like or crave praise, attention, and affirmation because we ALL do to varying degrees. But I am equally inclined to enjoy just doing a happy dance without an audience while I fist-pump to no one and exclaim excitedly into the solitude of the moment. A space like this is the digital expression of doing that.
May 2020 be precisely and exactly what it turns out to be.