As 2020 comes to a close, I wanted to join the chorus of voices rising together to bid the year a heartfelt “Fuck you, don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out”.
For a blog with no posts between March and December, it would be easy to believe that there was nothing to post about, which of course we can all agree is undeniably incorrect. The truth falls closer to there being too much to write about and most of it falling squarely within the boundaries of hot-button topics that I have spent the bulk of 2020 trying to avoid being engaged in conversation about.
Just as Amily and I largely disengaged from active socializing to the best of our abilities (because of THAT, THOSE, and THESE AS WELL), I actually made a conscious decision around August to just wait out posting anything here as a bit of a depiction of how I have viewed the year and our place in it. In a very real sense, the lack of posts says as much as anything I might have written during that time.
Rest assured, that much like a bad habit, I am very hard to get rid of, so we can look forward to 2021 being filled with all manner of musings and general nonsense from my end of the equation… Assuming that 2021 isn’t actually 2020’s more abusive older brother…